Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Updated Tips On Finding Major Issues Of Online Fashion

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It’s going to take some time to make sure everything is a coordinated, functioning regulatory regime.” Legalization of marijuana is a process, not an event, says Fraser, echoing a frequent comment among those in the industry. “There’s a (mistaken) impression by the public that we’ll just flip a switch, and suddenly all these products that were previously illegal are going to be legal,” Fraser says. She ticks off the tight timeline. The federal cannabis legislation has passed second reading and will be debated by a House committee in the fall. It must pass the House and Senate, with regulations written, before the provinces can finalize their legislation. If stand-alone cannabis stores are adopted, they must be built and a distribution network created. “To say that in the course of eight or nine months, (the provinces) are going to introduce and pass legislation and regulations and implement an entirely new industry that doesn’t exist today, I just don’t see how that will happen.” Legalization will probably begin with online sales, says Fraser, a prediction shared by some others in the industry. Online sales will be easier to implement immediately, since medical cannabis growers already sell products that way. Vic Neufeld, the CEO of Aphria, a large Ontario cannabis grower, says the federal government pledged to make recreational marijuana legal by July 2018, but did not promise that stores would be open by then. The rollout of stores will probably happen gradually, he predicts. “This journey, with three levels of government, is so complex, and there is no template they can steal from.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.recorder.ca/2017/06/15/dont-expect-legal-pot-stores-by-canada-day-2018-industry-expert-says

A Detailed Look At Fast Strategies For

Why it's not the end of America's brick and mortar retail stores

Why it Thirty years ago, many retailers rushed to open new stores to take advantage of easy money and consumer-buying sprees. That created overbuilding and a bubble not unlike that of the housing bubble. Overstorage and an influx of off-price chains, as well as the burgeoning online shopping space, led many retailers to be laser focused on price rather than their repertoire of instruments for delivering customer value. Then came the 2008 financial crisis , along with heightened customer anxiety. Moreover, brick and mortar retailers viewed online shopping with irritation, hoping if they didn’t deal with it, it would go away. They were not only late to the game, but they dealt with the rise of online retail in exactly the wrong way. They cut the very things that contributed to the customer’s store experience, such as instant gratification and the human touch. They went headlong into the arena of price discounts, which eroded their ability to invest in their core competence. This last holiday season, for example, many brick and mortar retailers slashed prices, assuming that deals — and only deals — could lure back shoppers. Research suggests this may reflect perception, not reality.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/economy-budget/334320-why-its-not-the-end-for-americas-brick-and-mortar-retail

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